We are fast approaching the end of term and a period of rest and relaxation. However, on the 1st of September, the Children and Families Act comes into force which could potentially have an impact on practice across your school.
An immersive space could be a key tool to support your school as you prepare for this new legislation:
The key highlights of the legislations:
1. Local authorities to publish a clear, transparent ‘local offer’ of services.
As a school you may have been asked to produce your ‘local offer’. Your immersive space enables you to promote your provision as a unique selling point. The space offers a creative, inclusive and holistic approach to meeting individual needs as well as facilitating positive outcomes.
It’s a space to relax and inspire whilst giving new and fresh experiences through light, sound and projection. Travel to new places, enjoy the calm of a giant aquarium or be inspired by a trip to the London Olympics, all with this unique tool.
2. A more streamlined assessment process and a single Education Healthcare Plan
An immersive space is an ideal place to support observations and assessment of both individuals and groups. Annual Reviews could take place within an immersive space and bring the young person and their family into the heart of the process.
3. A stronger focus on preparing for adulthood, including new powers for local authorities to provide children’s services to young people over 18 to improve their transition to adult services
The development and promotion of aspirations and life skills is fundamental to achieving positive outcomes. An immersive space gives you the ability to upload content that will facilitate this approach. Give young people a greater understanding of the world around them or inspire them to create their own images and videos to express themselves. The space could also bring involvement from the community, local colleges employees as a partnership approach to supporting the children and young people in your care.
What can 4D creative offer you to support the implementation of this legislation?
Within the 4D team, there are a range of skills and knowledge from across the disability agenda. Our operations manager, Colette Gollcher also works on behalf of the Council for Disabled Children supporting local authorities in their preparation for these reforms.
We have a range of workshops that can support you and your school:
- A full briefing session to understand the upcoming reforms to enable you to support your children, young people, their families, your staff and governors.
- A workshop explaining how to utilise an immersive space for person centred annual reviews
- A day of live planning for a group of young people and their families who may be starting the journey in education health and case plans
- Learn how to develop immersive content relevant to preparing children and young people for adulthood
- A bespoke workshop designed around your ideas and intended outcomes. Just get in touch to find out more.
Next steps.
If you’d like to find out more about an immersive space being installed at your school contact Louise on louise@4dcreative.co.uk
Alternatively, to discuss a workshop on the Children and Families Act, please call on 0844 414 2595 or email: hello@4dcreative.co.uk
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