The World Museum in Liverpool is playing host to the Cosmic Classroom live event and we’re over the moon to announce space medicine scientist and TV personality, Dr Kevin Fong, as our expert presenter.
There will be 11 classes from schools around the country in the audience at the museum, who will be watching and taking part just like the pupils in your class.
Tim Peake will also be answering questions posed by schools via the video messages they sent to us earlier this month!
This is the perfect opportunity to integrate your immersive space in with your pupil’s learning in a really experiential way.

Why not take your class inside a rocket and experience a ROCKET LAUNCH with sound effects and visuals
Show them Space as they fly through the atmosphere and approach the International Space Station… where they can eventually meet British astronaut, Tim Peake as he answers questions from school children all over the country.
Cosmic Classroom is taking place HERE on 2 February at 2pm GMT. Bring space to life for your students with a LIVE broadcast with British ESA astronaut Tim Peake!
BLAST OFF live with the International Space Station at 2pm GMT on Tuesday 2 February.
Find out more information about the timings and structure of the broadcast in our blog post