We had a fantastic time at the official opening of Croxteth Primary School last week. Firstly we were given a premiere of a performance with an ecological theme, we laughed, we thought, we clapped along! Then came full tours of the fantastic new building including the chance to explore the immersive space we recently installed.
The school had invited their local MP Stephen Twigg and Bishop James Jones of Liverpool and both praised the quality of the building and the quality of the young people who clearly love their new school. We are very proud to be a part of this amazing new school.
Our video shows a snippet of the people that came and visited the “Kaleidoscope Room” as the school have named our space. The music comes from the jazz band playing at the opening.
If you’d like to visit one of our spaces for yourself then just get in touch!
4D creative at the Opening Day of Croxteth Primary School from 4D Immersive on Vimeo.